[Notices] [Page 59287] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2020-20756] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-570-134] Certain Metal Lockers and Parts Thereof from the People’s Republic of China: Postponement of Preliminary Determination in the Countervailing Duty Investigation AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. DATES: Applicable September 21, 2020. | |
[20-20756] | |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is rescinding the administrative review of the antidumping duty (AD) order on biodiesel from Indonesia for the period of review (POR) April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, based on the timely withdrawal of the request for review. DATES: Applicable September 21, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leo Ayala, AD/CVD Operations, Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3945. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On April 1, 2020, Commerce published a notice of opportunity to request an administrative review of the AD order on biodiesel from Indonesia for the POR.\1\ On April 30, 2020, Commerce received a timely-filed request from the National Biodiesel Board Fair Trade Coalition (Coalition) \2\ for an administrative review of five Indonesian producers and/or exporters, in accordance with section 751(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), and 19 CFR 351.213(b).\3\ | |
[20-20786] | |
SUMMARY: The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on September 3, 2020, by Corpus Christi Liquefaction Stage III, LLC (CCL Stage III). CCL Stage III seeks to amend the export term set forth in its current authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries, DOE/FE Order No. 4490, to a term ending on December 31, 2050. CCL Stage III filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and DOE’s policy statement entitled, “Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050” (Policy Statement). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments on the requested term extension are invited. DATES: Protests, motions to intervene or notices of intervention, as applicable, requests for additional procedures, and written comments are to be filed using procedures detailed in the Public Comment Procedures section no later than 4:30 p.m., Eastern time, October 6, 2020. ADDRESSES: Electronic Filing by email: [email protected] Regular Mail: U.S. Department of Energy (FE-34), Office of Regulation, Analysis, and Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy, P.O. Box 44375, Washington, DC 20026-4375 Hand Delivery or Private Delivery Services (e | |
[20-20742] | |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on September 9, 2020, by Freeport LNG Expansion, L.P. (Freeport Expansion) and FLNG Liquefaction 4, LLC (FLIQ4) (together, FLEX4). FLEX4 seeks to amend the export term set forth in its current authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries, DOE/FE Order No. 4374, to a term ending on December 31, 2050. FLEX4 filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and DOE’s policy statement entitled, “Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050” (Policy Statement). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments on the requested term extension are invited. DATES: Protests, motions to intervene or notices of intervention, as applicable, requests for additional procedures, and written comments are to be filed using procedures detailed in the Public Comment Procedures section no later than 4:30 p.m., Eastern time, October 6, 2020. ADDRESSES: Electronic Filing by email: [email protected]. Regular Mail: U.S. Department of Energy (FE-34), Office of Regulation, Analysis, and Engagement, Office of Fossil Energy, P.O. Box 44375, Washington, DC 20026-4375. | |
[20-20744] | |
SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before October 21, 2020. ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice to Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review– Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or copies of the information collection should be made to Director, Information Management Division, email address [email protected] or Office of Policy and Program Analysis, Marc Geier, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20472, (telephone) 202-924-0196, or (email) [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY IN | |
[20-20774] | |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC) will hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The meeting will be open to the public via webinar only. There is no on- site, in-person option for this quarterly meeting. DATES: The COAC will meet on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT. Please note that the meeting may close early if the committee has completed its business. Comments must be submitted in writing no later than October 6, 2020. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held via webinar. The webinar link and conference number will be provided to all registrants by 10:00 a.m. EDT on October 7, 2020. For information on facilities or services for individuals with disabilities or to request special assistance at the meeting, contact Ms. Florence Constant-Gibson, Office of Trade Relations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), at (202) 344-1440, as soon as possible. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Florence Constant-Gibson, Office of Trade Relations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 3.5A, Washington, DC 20229; telephone (202) 344-1440; or Ms. Valarie Neuhart, Deputy Executive Director and Designated Federal Officer, at (202) 344-1440. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of this meeting is given under the | |
[20-20747] | |
SUMMARY: The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is publishing the names of one or more persons that have been placed on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List based on OFAC’s determination that one or more applicable legal criteria were satisfied. All property and interests in property subject to U.S. jurisdiction of these persons are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them. DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for applicable date(s). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: OFAC: Associate Director for Global Targeting, tel.: 202-622-2420; Assistant Director for Sanctions Compliance & Evaluation, tel.: 202-622-2490; Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.: 202-622-2480. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Electronic Availability The Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List and additional information concerning OFAC sanctions programs are available on OFAC’s website ( Notice of OFAC Action(s) | |
[20-20793] | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers and exporters of prestressed concrete steel wire (PC strand) from the Republic of Turkey (Turkey). The period of investigation is January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination. DATES: Applicable September 21, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Whitley Herndon and Jacob Garten, AD/ CVD Operations, Office II, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-6274 and (202) 482-3342, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This preliminary determination is made in accordance with section 703(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Commerce published the notice of initiation of this investigation on May 13, 2020.\1\ On July 1, 2020, Commerce postponed the preliminary determination of this investigation, and the revised deadline is now September 14, 2020.\2\ For a complete description of the events that | |
[20-20692] | |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Active Matrix OLED Display Devices and Components Thereof, DN 3490; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant’s filing pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205-2000. The public version of the complaint can be accessed on the Commission’s Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) at For help accessing EDIS, please email [email protected]. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server at United States International Trade Commission (USITC) at . The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission’s Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) at Hearing- impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) 205-1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission has received a complaint and a submission pursuant to Sec. 210.8(b) of the Commission | |
[20-20721] | |