FR Alert – Covering:07/23/2020
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (“OTEA”) of the International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce, has received an application for an amended Export Trade Certificate of Review (“Certificate”). This notice summarizes the proposed amendment and requests comments relevant to whether the amended Certificate should be issued. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph Flynn, Director, Office of Trade and Economic Analysis, International Trade Administration, by telephone at (202) 482-5131 (this is not a toll-free number) or email at [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title III of the Export Trading Company Act of 1982 (15 U.S.C. Sections 4001-21) (“the Act”) authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to issue Export Trade Certificates of Review. An Export Trade Certificate of Review protects the holder and the members identified in the Certificate from State and Federal government antitrust actions and from private treble damage antitrust actions for the export conduct specified in the Certificate and carried out in compliance with its terms and conditions. The regulations implementing Title III are found at 15 CFR part 325. OTEA is issuing this notice pursuant to 15 CFR 325.6(a), which requires the Secretary of Commerce to publish a summary of the application in the Federal Register, identifying the appl | |
[20-15987] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that producers and/or exporters subject to this administrative review made sales of subject merchandise at less than normal value. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results. DATES: Applicable July 24, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Magd Zalok or Robert Bolling, AD/CVD Operations, Office IV, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4162 or (202) 482-3434, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background Commerce is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on welded carbon steel standard pipe and tube products (welded pipe and tube) from Turkey. The period of review (POR) is May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. Commerce published the notice of initiation of this administrative review on July 15, 2019.\1\ The preliminary results are listed below in the section titled “Preliminary Results of Review.” ————————————————————————— | |
[20-15957] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that Both-Well Steel Fittings, Co., Ltd. (Bothwell), the sole company under review, did not have any reviewable entries during the period of review (POR) May 17, 2018 through August 31, 2019. Thus, Commerce is preliminarily rescinding this review. We invite interested parties to comment on these preliminary results. DATES: Applicable July 23, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: George Ayache or Samuel Glickstein, AD/CVD Operations, Office VIII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-2623 or (202) 482-5307, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background Commerce published the notice of initiation of this review on November 12, 2019.\1\ On April 24, 2020, Commerce tolled all deadlines in administrative reviews by 50 days, thereby extending the deadline for these preliminary results until July 21, 2020.\2\ For a [[Page 44504]] | |
[20-15986] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: This notice announces receipt of and publishes a petition for waiver and interim waiver from Hoshizaki America, Inc. (“Hoshizaki”), which seeks a waiver for specified Automatic Commercial Ice Maker (“ACIM”) basic models from the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) test procedure used for determining the energy use of ACIM. DOE also gives notice of an Interim Waiver Order that requires Hoshizaki to test and rate the specified ACIM basic models in accordance with the alternate test procedure set forth in the Interim Waiver Order. DOE solicits comments, data, and information concerning Hoshizaki’s petition and its suggested alternate test procedure so as to inform DOE’s final decision on Hoshizaki’s waiver request. DATES: The Interim Waiver Order is effective on July 23, 2020. Written comments and information will be accepted on or before August 24, 2020. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at Alternatively, interested persons may submit comments, identified by case number “2020-001”, and Docket number “EERE-2020-BT-WAV-0005,” by any of the following methods: Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Email: [email protected]. Inclu | |
[20-15984] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: On May 20, 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) published a request for information (“RFI”) pertaining to the energy conservation standards for external power supplies. The request provided an opportunity for submitting written comments, data, and information by July 6, 2020. Prior to the end of the comment period for the request of information, DOE received a request from a group of industry trade groups seeking additional time to consider the applicability and impact of an updated energy conservation standard for this equipment. DATES: The comment period for the RFI, published on May 20, 2020 (85 FR 30636), which closed on July 6, 2020, is hereby reopened and extended. DOE will accept written comments, data, and information in response to the RFI no later than August 24, 2020. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Alternatively, interested persons may submit comments, identified by docket number EERE-2020-BT- STD-0006, by any of the following methods: 1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. 2. Email: [email protected]. Include the docket number EERE- 2020-BT-STD-0006 in the subject line of the | |
[20-15079] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
[Notices] [Pages 44505-44509] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2020-15956] ———————————————————————– DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-714-001, C-821-825] Phosphate Fertilizers From the Kingdom of Morocco and the Russian Federation: Initiation of Countervailing Duty Investigations AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. DATES: Applicable July 16, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Palmer (Morocco) or George | |
[20-15956] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Commission instituted the subject five-year review on May 1, 2020 to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order on citric acid and certain citrate salts from Canada would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury. On June 23, 2020, the Department of Commerce published notice that it was revoking the order effective June 24, 2020, because the domestic interested parties withdrew their intent to participate in this review. (85 FR 37626). Accordingly, the subject review is terminated. DATES: June 24, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason Duncan (202-205-3432), Office of Investigations, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Hearing-impaired individuals are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202-205-1810. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202-205-2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server ( Authority: This review is being terminated under authority of title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 and pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)). This notice i | |
[20-15927] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that forged steel fluid end blocks (fluid end blocks) from Italy are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination. DATES: Applicable July 23, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dmitry Vladimirov or Hermes Pinilla, AD/CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, [[Page 44501]] U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-0665 or (202) 482-3477, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This preliminary determination is made in accordance with section 733(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Commerce published the notice of initiation of this investigation on January 15, | |
[20-15915] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that forged steel fluid end blocks (fluid end blocks) from the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany) are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination. DATES: Applicable July 23, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Katherine Johnson or Alexis Cherry, AD/CVD Operations, Office VIII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4929 or (202) 482-0607, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This preliminary determination is made in accordance with section 733(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Commerce published the notice of initiation of this investigation on January 15, 2020.\1\ On March 26, 2020, Commerce postponed the preliminary determination of this investigation, and the revised deadline is now | |
[20-15912] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that forged steel fluid end blocks (fluid end blocks) from India are not being, or are not likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation (POI) is October 1, 2018 through September 31, 2019. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination. DATES: Applicable July 23, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Romani or Jacob Keller, AD/CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-0198 or (202) 482-4849, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This preliminary determination is made in accordance with section 733(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Commerce published the notice of initiation of this investigation on January 15, 2020.\1\ On March 26, 2020, Commerce postponed the preliminary determination of this investigation and the revised deadline is now July 16, 2020.\2\ For a complete description of the events that | |
[20-15914] | [Full Article] [PDF] |
Agency Notice | |
SUMMARY: On August 20, 2019, at the direction of the President, the U.S. Trade Representative determined to modify the action being taken in the Section 301 investigation of China’s acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation by imposing additional duties of 10 percent ad valorem on goods of China with an annual trade value of approximately $300 billion. The additional duties on products in List 1, which is set out in Annex A of that action, became effective on September 1, 2019. The U.S. Trade Representative initiated a product exclusion process in October 2019, and interested persons have submitted requests for the exclusion of specific products. This notice announces the U.S. Trade Representative’s determination to grant certain exclusion requests, as specified in the Annex to this notice, and make certain amendments to previously announced exclusions. DATES: The product exclusions announced in this notice apply as of September 1, 2019, the effective date of List 1 of the $300 billion action, and extend to September 1, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general questions about this notice, contact Associate General Counsels Philip Butler or Megan Grimball, or Director of Industrial Goods Justin Hoffmann at (202) 395- 5725. For specific questions on customs classification | |
[20-15995] | [Full Article] [PDF] |