Information regarding EU 2024 data:

                The EU posted the 8 digit nomenclature today for 2024. (Combined Nomenclature or CN, AKA “the Export tariff”).

                We are processing and will make data available as soon as possible.  

                Find a correlation table attached ( at 8 digits only )

 New updates published this week:

  • Switzerland November 2023 Update
  • Germany November 2023 Update
  • Great Britain November 2023 Update
  • European Union November 2023 Update
  • Vietnam Correction to FTA rates (mostly RCEP) that were incorrectly identified as Free. No HS Changes.
  • China CN and C9 ( 13 digit versión ) updated for Oct 28th changes. New HS codes, duties, taxes.
  • Madagascar NEW COUNTRY.  2023 Tariff.  Limited FTA support.  ( General rate + EU rate )
  • Brazil Nov 1st update for Brazil.  HS, Duty and tax. Includes data from announcements GECEX 499, 514, 527 and 529.
  • Boliva Supreme Decree 5042 of 2023-10-18 effective date 2023-10-19.  Minor HS Changes.
  • Angola 2022 Tariff update.  
  • Sri Lanka 2023 Tariff update:  HS, Duties and tax.
  • United States A few description changes.   No other changes.

Note GTS files may not have been created for all of these, but they are in progress.  

In Process: 

  • NP – Nepal 2023 Tariff update
  • LA – Laos 2023 Tariff update
  • BS – Bahamas 2023 Tariff update

Next in Queue:        

  • AW – Aruba
  • HT – Haiti
  • AF – Afghanistan ( 2022 tariff, local language only )
  • MU – Mauritius
  • MV – Maldives
  • KY – Cayman Islands
  • AI – Anguilla
  • MD – Moldova 
  • MZ – Mozambique
  • TO – Tonga ( 2021 Tariff, but this was direct from TO customs as “latest/current” )
  • FJ – Fiji